Chuck Wolfe is a frequent local and national speaker on prominent urbanism, sustainability, environmental and land use topics.
For speaking engagements, please contact Chuck directly at 206-274-5145.
Download Chuck’s Representative Speaker Sheet.
Representative Speaking Engagements
Sustainable Transportation Summit, The Seminar Group, Seattle, WA; Conference Co-Chair and Presenter. Click here for details.
State and Local Government Law Spring Meeting 2011, American Bar Association, Portland, OR; Presenter, “Barriers to Transit-Oriented Development” and Mobile Workshop. Click here for details.
Planning Law Conference, American Planning Association, Puget Sound Section, Bellevue, WA; Moderator and Presenter, “When Everything We Do is Wrong”. Click here for details.
The ABC’s of Form-Based Codes, Form-Based Codes Institute, Burien, WA. Presenter, “Are Form-Based Codes Applicable to the Seattle Region?” and “Legal Aspects of Form-Based Codes”; Click here for details.
Real Estate, Land Use and Environmental Track, Law Education Institute/Colorado Bar Association National CLE, Vail, CO; Program Co-Chair and Presenter. Click here for details.
Sustainable Communities Forum, Transit Oriented and Economic Development, Richland, WA; Presenter.
Real Estate, Land Use and Environmental Track, Law Education Institute/Colorado Bar Association National CLE, Vail, CO; Program Co-Chair and Presenter.
“A Better Way to Zone”, American Planning Association Washington Chapter Conference, Vancouver, WA; Co-Presenter.
Second Annual Washington Brownfields Conference, Tacoma, WA
Law Seminars International “Preparing for Transit Oriented Development” Conference Co-Chair, Seattle, WA
Real Estate, Land Use and Environmental Track, Law Education Institute/Colorado Bar Association National CLE, Vail, CO; Program Co-Chair and Presenter.
Washington Brownfields and Land Revitalization Conference, Tacoma, WA; Speaker/Panelist.
“Real Estate Deals, the Path to Closure and Voluntary Cleanups”, Law Seminars International Model Toxics Control Act Workshop, Seattle, WA
“The Importance of the Supreme Court’s Lingle Decision to the Planning Profession”, American Planning Association National Conference, Las Vegas, NV; Panelist.
“Residential and Mixed Use Redevelopment of Contaminated Properties”, Law Seminars International, Seattle WA; Program Co-Chair and Presenter.
Real Estate, Land Use and Environmental Track, Law Education Institute/Colorado Bar Association National CLE, Vail, CO; Program Co-Chair and Presenter.
“Doing Well by Doing Good”, Cornell Entrepreneur Network, Seattle, WA; Moderator and Presenter.
“Overcoming Environmental Obstacles in Development and Redevelopment”, Western Regional Conference, Public Risk Management Association, Seattle, WA; Panelist and Presenter.
“Brownfields 2007: Towards Sustainable Development in the Puget Sound Region”, The Seminar Group, Seattle, WA; Program Co-Chair and Presenter.
“Fitting the Solution to the Project Types”, Law Seminars International Model Toxics Control Act Workshop, Seattle, WA
“A Practical Guide to Zoning and Land Use Law”, National Business Institutes, Seattle, WA
“Residential and Mixed Use Redevelopment of Contaminated Properties”, Law Seminars International, Seattle, WA; Program Co-Chair and Presenter.
2007 Planning Law Conference, Puget Sound Section, American Planning Association, Bellevue, WA
State Environmental Policy Act Workshop, Inland Empire Section, Washington State Chapter, American PlanningAssociation, Spokane, WA
Real Estate, Land Use and Environmental Track, Law Education Institute/Colorado Bar Association National CLE, Aspen, CO; Program Co-Chair and Presenter.
“Brownfields Solutions that Work” and “Thea Foss Waterway Onsite Tour”, Northwest Environmental Summit, sponsored by Association of Washington Business Environmental and Northwest Environmental Business Council, Tacoma, WA; Panel Moderator and Presenter.
.“Land Use and Environmental Due Diligence and Compliance in the New Millenium,” and Speaker, “Assembling the Due Diligence Team.” The Seminar Group, Seattle, WA; Program Co-Chair and Presenter.
Urban Land Institute Compact Communities Speaker Series, “Making Zoning Work for Compact Development.” Bellevue, WA; Panel Moderator.
“Fitting the Solution to the Project – MTCA and Brownfield Toolbox for Different Project Types”, Law Seminars International Model Toxics Control Act Workshop, Seattle, WA
“The Development of Redevelopment–The Changing Face of Infill Development”, Washington State Bar Association, Environmental and Land Use Midyear Seminar, Ocean Shores, WA; Moderator and Presenter